Professional ID card Production Software,
Identity Solutions’
EasiCard range of ID Card Production Software is a powerful, user-friendly ID system, It is currently available. With its button-driven user interface screens and
powerful card designer, it provides an ease-of-use and flexibility
unmatched by its competitors.
EasiCard is a Windows based, user-definable database
package, which allows for the capture and storage of images
from a variety of sources including live video file and scanner.
Our powerful form designer allows for multiple card/badge
templates to be designed and stored.
Developed by ID and Plastic Card specialists, IDentity
Solutions, it is compatible with most existing Access Control,
Cash-less Vending and Time and Attendance Systems.
EasiCard supports ISO Magnetic Stripe encoding and barcoding
as standard. It has the ability to print to any Windows
driven printer including speciality Plastic Card Printers.
No longer are you limited to an off-the-shelf product, as IDentity
Solutions’ EasiCard can be easily developed to suit your
individual requirements.